About us
AC Advisory is a regional gender lens consultancy that works with institutions, networks, businesses and policy makers to undertake learning and evaluation, offer strategic analytical support and technical assistance to inform strategic planning, program design and advocate for the development of equitable gender policies. We develop and implement strategies and plans that are co-created with key stakeholders to offer wholesome solutions in support of gender equality and inclusion.
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”

Core Competencies:
AC Advisory recognizes gender inequality as a critical issue for the economic development of the region and beyond. This has spurred focus by multinational institutions, government stakeholders and ecosystem players on the development of key policies like the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 5) on promoting Gender Equality and empowering all women and girls. With the understanding that gender is a nuanced social construct, we seek to document the underlying challenges faced by women in work environments and in businesses. We illustrate how the gaps impact women’s social and economic status and influence their lives and the economy. The research findings inform key stakeholders on ways to mitigate gender inequality for sustainable development in Africa as well as provide bespoke recommendations and case studies on what actions and policies should be pursued. Research may be commissioned by different stakeholders or the Advisory may undertake unsolicited research on its own.
AC Advisory supports organizations to undertake evaluation of their gender equality and inclusion strategies and policies. We analyze the organizational policies, culture and structures then recommend workplace policies and practices that are gender-sensitive and that provide equal opportunities for women and men. This is aimed at understanding how gender roles impact the enterprise and its core activities, and in what ways the enterprise may affect gender relations and the advancement of men and women. A gender-sensitive value chain analysis provides clarity on the roles that both women and men play along the value chain, and identifies the potential for improving the gender balance, and showcases the benefits for the business. Gender analysis also informs the organizational gaps that are addressed through tailored technical assistance that includes practical processes to bridge theory and practice in ways that nurture collective understanding and shift discriminatory social and cultural norms whilst generating evidence for impact measurement.

Gender Lens Research
AC Advisory recognizes gender inequality as a critical issue for the economic development of the region and beyond. This has spurred focus by multinational institutions, government stakeholders and ecosystem players on the development of key policies like the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 5) on promoting Gender Equality and empowering all women and girls. With the understanding that gender is a nuanced social construct, we seek to document the underlying challenges faced by women in work environments and in businesses. We illustrate how the gaps impact women’s social and economic status and influence their lives and the economy. The research findings inform key stakeholders on ways to mitigate gender inequality for sustainable development in Africa as well as provide bespoke recommendations and case studies on what actions and policies should be pursued. Research may be commissioned by different stakeholders or the Advisory may undertake unsolicited research on its own.
Gender Equality Mainstreaming
AC Advisory supports organizations to undertake evaluation of their gender equality and inclusion strategies and policies. We analyze the organizational policies, culture and structures then recommend workplace policies and practices that are gender-sensitive and that provide equal opportunities for women and men. This is aimed at understanding how gender roles impact the enterprise and its core activities, and in what ways the enterprise may affect gender relations and the advancement of men and women. A gender-sensitive value chain analysis provides clarity on the roles that both women and men play along the value chain, and identifies the potential for improving the gender balance, and showcases the benefits for the business. Gender analysis also informs the organizational gaps that are addressed through tailored technical assistance that includes practical processes to bridge theory and practice in ways that nurture collective understanding and shift discriminatory social and cultural norms whilst generating evidence for impact measurement.

Andia Chakava

Online courses
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Nunc nec massa nec est interdum suscipit. Donec vel orci quis dolor

Nunc nec massa nec est interdum suscipit. Donec vel orci quis dolor

Committed to helping our clients succeed
Core Pillars
B.S., 1995 – 2000, University of Wisconsin, Platteville (Status: Excellent)
Environmental and Natural Resources Law Certificate (Status : Excellent)
Business and Commercial Law Certificate (Status : Great)
NewYork 1983
The State Bar of California
US Court of Florida Claims